Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'm Back--and this is a Song, to top it all off :D

Sittin' in the car, puttin' our faces to the A/C,
I know i don't like the music, but your glitterin' eyes are all i see,
Twiddlin' our thumbs, wrestlin' time on the radio,
Some day i'm going to torture you, playing trance on our patio.

Oh, what would i have done, if i didn't see that pinkness flash,
Oh what would i have done, if i didn't feel that softness,
Oh what would i do, my lil baby!

Sitting close by somewhere on Carter Road,
I never felt this way before, perhaps its just one more step to a pretty abode,
Looking at each other, sometimes with just a tear,
Our lil' house with just us both, is closer than you think, oh yes it's near.

Oh, what would i have done, if i didn't see that pinkness flash,
Oh what would i have done, if i didn't feel that softness,
Oh what would i do, my lil baby!

Cheesy as it may seem my skills on this song,
I know i want you, and for that i long.
Thanks for being my baby, i know nobody else can,
Nobody would fit this well, just like yin-yan'.


Niyati Gandhi said...

i love couples..
i dotn know if its hostel that did this to me
but pinkness falsh and softness..
is that a sexual innuendo...
i just grossed myslef out

ankypanky said...

Congratulations, you just turned into a 6 foot vagina.